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Trying to solve for P in the equation. Been told fzero does not give correct solution.

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%clc; clear; close all; format short g;
gamma = 1.66;
R = 8.314;
m = 4.0e-3;
RoM = R/m;
P0 = 10e5;
T0 = 300;
r0 = 0.01;
L = 0.05;
rho0 = P0/(RoM*T0);
%function for area
x = [0:0.001:2*L];
func = @(x) r0*((2*x./L)+ exp(-2*x./L));
y = func(x);
At = pi*r0*r0;
% equations
mc = At*(sqrt(gamma*P0*rho0))*(2/(gamma+1))^((gamma+1)/(2*(gamma-1))); %mass flux choking
%solving for P
f = @(P) ((P/P0)^(2/gamma)) - ((P/P0)^(1+(1/gamma))) == ((gamma-1)/(2*gamma))*((mc^2)/((At^2)*P0*rho0));
r = solve (f,eps)

Answers (1)

Samatha Aleti
Samatha Aleti on 26 Feb 2020
I think you need to specify the variables as “sym” to use “solve”. You may also solve for “P” using “fsolve function.
Here is the documentation link for “fsolve”.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 26 Feb 2020
If you convert everything to rational, except using the transcendentatal pi instead of an approximation of it, then 281250*sqrt(3) becomes an exact solution. That is approximately 487139.2898.
dpb on 28 Feb 2020
Ah, indeed! I hadn't really looked at the algebra, just the numerical solution. Nicely done, Walter!

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