How do I integrate a trained neural network into an application

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I am trying to compare an uploaded image to a trained neural network in an application. I have been ablet o upload an image using a push button, however, I am not able to have that image analyzed by the trained neural network. Below is the code for the application and I am unsure where the failure is occuring. Please let me know what you think would be the best way to go about this. Thank You
methods (Access = private)
function results = startupfunc(app)
x_net = load("xraycat.mat");
x_net =;
methods (Access = private)
% Button pushed function: UploadImageButton
function UploadImageButtonPushed(app, event)
[File_Name, Path_Name] = uigetfile('PATHNAME');
% Button pushed function: AnalyzeImageButton
function AnalyzeImageButtonPushed(app, event)
[YPred, Scores] = predict(, [File_name, Path_Name]);
imshow([YPred, Scores],'Parent',app.UIAxes2);

Accepted Answer

Kojiro Saito
Kojiro Saito on 4 Mar 2020
You need add a property to pass that variable between functions.
In Code Browser panel in Code View, click Properties and click plus icon.
In properties, you can add a property, for example, variable name is filepath.
properties (Access = private)
filepath % file path
net % Trained Neural Network
After that, change your code as below.
function startupfunc(app) = load("xraycat.mat"); =;
% Button pushed function: UploadImageButton
function UploadImageButtonPushed(app, event)
[File_Name, Path_Name] = uigetfile('PATHNAME');
app.filepath = fullfile(Path_Name,File_Name);
% Button pushed function: AnalyzeImageButton
function AnalyzeImageButtonPushed(app, event)
imds = imageDatastore(app.filepath);
[YPred, Scores] = classify(, imds);
% or,
% YPred = predict(, imds);
% or, for SVM classification
% im = imread(app.filepath);
% featureLayer = 'fc7'; % For AlexNet
% imageFeatures = activations(, im, featureLayer);
% [YPred, Scores] = predict(, imageFeatures);
imshow([YPred, Scores],'Parent', app.UIAxes2);
I'm not sure which predict function you're using because there are some functions in MATLAB such as
But none of them can allow image's file path, so I changed your second input argument to imageDatastore in the above code.
Patrick Kuczwara
Patrick Kuczwara on 6 Mar 2020
Now since this works, I would like to output the top 5 proabable matches with their categorical lable. If possible, I would like to output standard images for each one that is matched. Please let me know if this is possible. Thanks
Malina Balint
Malina Balint on 22 Apr 2021
I also had the exact same problem with my application and I followed the steps above, but I don't understand how can I create an interface with buttons that works, because from what I've understood so far if I put my function in app compiler it creates a application without an interface an so I still need an interface for my application. Thanks in advance

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