Access the data from a Struct
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I have a struct with fields
val = struct with fields:
abstract: [1×1 struct]
body_text: [72×1 struct]
when I extract the text data in body_text using "val.body_text.text" I got 72*1 struct. But when I try "A = val.abstract.text", I got only the first struct of the 72 structs. How can I put all these [72×1 struct] into A?
Ameer Hamza
on 30 Mar 2020
''so val.abstract.text is either invalid reference or is the name of the 1x1 struct under val.abstract'''
Not necessarily. For example
>> s.text = '123'; = 2;
val.abstract = s;
val.body_text = repmat(s, 1, 72);
>> val
val =
struct with fields:
abstract: [1×1 struct]
body_text: [1×72 struct]
>> val.abstract.text
ans =
Accepted Answer
Ameer Hamza
on 30 Mar 2020
Edited: Ameer Hamza
on 30 Mar 2020
Try this, if the data in the field 'text' is scalar
A = [val.abstract.text];
If it is vector than try
A = {val.abstract.text};
Ameer Hamza
on 31 Mar 2020
Try the following code. Place it one directly above the JSON files, or you can modify the first line according to the path of your JSON files. It will read all files, and gather their abstract.text and body_text.text fields into one struct. It then writes the final struct as a JSON file.
files = dir('JSON files/*.json');
s = struct('abstract', [], 'body_text', []);
for i=1:numel(files)
filename = fullfile(files(i).folder, files(i).name);
data = jsondecode(fileread(filename));
if ~isempty(data.abstract)
s.abstract = [s.abstract; cell2struct({data.abstract.text}, 'text', 1)];
if ~isempty(data.body_text)
s.body_text = [s.body_text; cell2struct({data.body_text.text}, 'text', 1)];
str = jsonencode(s);
f = fopen('filename.json', 'w');
fprintf(f, '%s', str);
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