How to define array without size and append values

37 views (last 30 days)
in C++, by using the vector API
we can create empty array and append values.
//for C++
vector<float> v;
then we got
How to implement that in Mathlab?
I have read the tutorial but it said the limited dimension is required when I want to create empty array
Array = int16.empty(5,0)

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 14 Apr 2020
Array = [];
Array(end+1,1) = 2.3;
Array(end+1,1) = 3.1;
Array(end+1,1) = 4.5;
Caution: this is not as efficient as if you can pre-allocate. Every time you add on to the end, MATLAB has to create a new internal version of the array with one more slot in it, and copy the values from the old array to the new array and put on the new value. MATLAB is weak on growing-in-place

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