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Matlab2020a installation error on linux

1 view (last 30 days)
The error message is confusing...

Accepted Answer

Raunak Gupta
Raunak Gupta on 2 May 2020
There are a wide number of things which can cause errors such as this to appear. Some previous instances of this have appeared when the machine in question was connected to a VPN. If you are using a VPN, I advise you to temporarily try disconnecting from it, and then trying to run the installer again.
As simple as it sounds, another good troubleshooting step would be to try rebooting the computer. Another thing that causes this error can be if the certificates on the machine are out of date and rebooting the machine should update them.
Beyond these, there are several other things which can cause connection-based errors.
The article above outlines the other basic things that can cause connection errors (or missing file errors) in greater detail. Try consulting this article should the above 2 workarounds not resolve your issue.
  1 Comment
Zhaoqun Li
Zhaoqun Li on 3 May 2020
Thank you for your advice. After I reboot the machine and check the connection, the issue doesn't appear again.

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