How do I make a scatter 3D plot move towards a line

1 view (last 30 days)
would it be possible to make a moving plot for these scatter points to move towards a line in the middle of the 3d plot and stop when it reaches the line?
a rough example would be:
clc; % Clear the command window.
close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.)
clear; % Erase all existing variables. Or clearvars if you want.
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
countmax=5; % units are in micrometres
view([-37.5 30])
X = zeros(1,countmax);
Y = zeros(1,countmax);
Z = zeros(1,countmax);
d = 10;
%d = 15/1000; %distance between each molecule => 15/1000 is 15 micrometre
s = 6; % size of particle
for i = 2:countmax
for j = 2:countmax
for k = 2:countmax
X(i) = X(i-1) + d; %%1 = distance between each molecules (add an equation for it)
Y(j) = Y(j-1) + d;
Z(k) = Z(k-1) + d;
q= 1;
for n = 1:countmax
for m = 1:countmax
b = repelem(X(n),countmax);
c = repelem(Y(m),countmax);
a = [b;c;Z]; %% Check Coordinates
scatter3(a(1,:),a(2,:),a(3,:),s,'Filled','r') %% 4 value from left changes the size of each point
%xlim([d (countmax-1)*d]) % Axis limitsg
%ylim([d (countmax-1)*d])
%zlim([d (countmax-1)*d])
xlabel('My x label') % Axis Labels
ylabel('My y label')
zlabel('My z label')
hold on
rotate3d on
grid off;
Image = getframe();
K = sum(sum(rgb2gray(Image.cdata)==255));
percentageofwhite(y) = K/numel(rgb2gray(Image.cdata))*100;
q = percentageofwhite(y);
txt=text(0.0,0.95,sprintf('Water Volume = %0.3f%%',q(1,1)),'Units','normalized');
close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.)
clear; % Erase all existing variables. Or clearvars if you want.
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
countmax=5; % units are in micrometres
view([-37.5 30])
X = zeros(1,countmax);
Y = zeros(1,countmax);
Z = zeros(1,countmax);
d = 10;
%d = 15/1000; %distance between each molecule => 15/1000 is 15 micrometre
s = 6; % size of particle
for i = 2:countmax
for j = 2:countmax
for k = 2:countmax
X(i) = X(i-1) + d; %%1 = distance between each molecules (add an equation for it)
Y(j) = Y(j-1) + d;
Z(k) = Z(k-1) + d;
q= 1;
for n = 1:countmax
for m = 1:countmax
b = repelem(X(n),countmax);
c = repelem(Y(m),countmax);
a = [b;c;Z]; %% Check Coordinates
scatter3(a(1,:),a(2,:),a(3,:),s,'Filled','r') %% 4 value from left changes the size of each point
%xlim([d (countmax-1)*d]) % Axis limitsg
%ylim([d (countmax-1)*d])
%zlim([d (countmax-1)*d])
xlabel('My x label') % Axis Labels
ylabel('My y label')
zlabel('My z label')
hold on
rotate3d on
grid off;
Image = getframe();
K = sum(sum(rgb2gray(Image.cdata)==255));
percentageofwhite(y) = K/numel(rgb2gray(Image.cdata))*100;
q = percentageofwhite(y);
txt=text(0.0,0.95,sprintf('Water Volume = %0.3f%%',q(1,1)),'Units','normalized');

Answers (1)

Thiago Henrique Gomes Lobato
It mostly depends of what points should move (only neighbours or all of them), but after you decide it you can calculate the closest point in the line for each point and then move it lineary in that direction. Here is an example moving all points to a line defined by three points
clc; % Clear the command window.
close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.)
clear; % Erase all existing variables. Or clearvars if you want.
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
countmax=5; % units are in micrometres
view([-37.5 30])
X = zeros(1,countmax);
Y = zeros(1,countmax);
Z = zeros(1,countmax);
d = 10;
%d = 15/1000; %distance between each molecule => 15/1000 is 15 micrometre
s = 6; % size of particle
for i = 2:countmax
for j = 2:countmax
for k = 2:countmax
X(i) = X(i-1) + d; %%1 = distance between each molecules (add an equation for it)
Y(j) = Y(j-1) + d;
Z(k) = Z(k-1) + d;
q= 1;
for n = 1:countmax
for m = 1:countmax
b = repelem(X(n),countmax);
c = repelem(Y(m),countmax);
a = [b;c;Z]; %% Check Coordinates
scatter3(a(1,:),a(2,:),a(3,:),s,'Filled','r') %% 4 value from left changes the size of each point
%xlim([d (countmax-1)*d]) % Axis limitsg
%ylim([d (countmax-1)*d])
%zlim([d (countmax-1)*d])
xlabel('My x label') % Axis Labels
ylabel('My y label')
zlabel('My z label')
hold on
rotate3d on
grid off;
Image = getframe();
K = sum(sum(rgb2gray(Image.cdata)==255));
percentageofwhite(y) = K/numel(rgb2gray(Image.cdata))*100;
q = percentageofwhite(y);
txt=text(0.0,0.95,sprintf('Water Volume = %0.3f%%',q(1,1)),'Units','normalized');
close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.)
clear; % Erase all existing variables. Or clearvars if you want.
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing.
countmax=5; % units are in micrometres
view([-37.5 30])
X = zeros(1,countmax);
Y = zeros(1,countmax);
Z = zeros(1,countmax);
d = 10;
%d = 15/1000; %distance between each molecule => 15/1000 is 15 micrometre
s = 6; % size of particle
for i = 2:countmax
for j = 2:countmax
for k = 2:countmax
X(i) = X(i-1) + d; %%1 = distance between each molecules (add an equation for it)
Y(j) = Y(j-1) + d;
Z(k) = Z(k-1) + d;
q= 1;
[XX,YY,ZZ] = meshgrid(X,Y,Z);
AllDimensions = [XX(:),YY(:),ZZ(:)];
LinePoints = [30,10,20;
% Find which points should be directed to where
LinePointMap = zeros(length(AllDimensions),1);
for idx=1:length(AllDimensions)
[~,idxMin] = min( sum(abs(AllDimensions(idx,:)-LinePoints).^2,2) );
LinePointMap(idx) = idxMin;
Differences = LinePoints(LinePointMap,:)-AllDimensions;
MaxStep = 50;
for idxAnimation = 1:MaxStep
s,'Filled','r') %% 4 value from left changes the size of each point
xlim([d (countmax-1)*d]) % Axis limitsg
ylim([d (countmax-1)*d])
zlim([d (countmax-1)*d])
xlabel('My x label') % Axis Labels
ylabel('My y label')
zlabel('My z label')
hold off
rotate3d on
grid off;
Image = getframe();
K = sum(sum(rgb2gray(Image.cdata)==255));
percentageofwhite(y) = K/numel(rgb2gray(Image.cdata))*100;
q = percentageofwhite(y);
txt=text(0.0,0.95,sprintf('Water Volume = %0.3f%%',q(1,1)),'Units','normalized');
sui zhi lau
sui zhi lau on 10 May 2020
Ah so if I want to tilit it in the y direction, it would be seomthing like this?
because i tried it but i could not get it to run. Like they said it was undefined for the Zposition, I do not know what am I doing wrong.
halfLength = 10;
Ypositions = max(Y)/2-halfLength:max(Y)/2+halfLength;
Xposition = max(X)/2;
Zposition = max(Z)/2;
LinePoints = zeros(length(Zpositions),3);
LinePoints(:,3) = Zpositions;
LinePoints(:,1) = Xposition; % if it doesn't work, = repmat(Xposition,length(Zpositions),1)
LinePoints(:,2) = Yposition;
Thiago Henrique Gomes Lobato
Your variable names are wrong, i.e, you used different variable names in each step
halfLength = 10;
Ypositions = max(Y)/2-halfLength:max(Y)/2+halfLength;
Xposition = max(X)/2;
Zposition = max(Z)/2;
LinePoints = zeros(length(Ypositions),3);
LinePoints(:,3) = Zposition;
LinePoints(:,1) = Xposition; % if it doesn't work, = repmat(Xposition,length(Zpositions),1)
LinePoints(:,2) = Ypositions;

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