How do you split a table into sub-tables based on entries in a specific column?

115 views (last 30 days)
How do you split a table into sub-tables based on entries in a specific column? Essentially, I want to divide my table data into groups, determined by one of its values.

Accepted Answer

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team on 13 Oct 2022
Edited: MathWorks Support Team on 13 Oct 2022
I have created a simple example which demonstrates how to split a table based on the first column as the category variable.
The script is also attached as "test_script.m". Please read the comments to get a better understanding of how to use the script for your use case.
% Patient pateint data
load patients
% Create test table
T = table(Gender(1:5), Height(1:5), 'VariableNames', {'Gender', 'Height'});
% Group based on first column - gender column
% Modify 1 to appropriate column number
G = findgroups(T{:, 1});
% Split table based on first column - gender column
T_split = splitapply( @(varargin) varargin, T , G);
% Allocate empty cell array fo sizxe equal to number of rows in T_Split
subTables = cell(size(T_split, 1));
% Create sub tables
for i = 1:size(T_split, 1)
subTables{i} = table(T_split{i, :}, 'VariableNames', ...
% Display Results
disp('Full Table:');
disp('Sub Table 1:');
disp('Sub Table 2:');
See this documentation for another example of using 'splitapply':
Here is a list of the functions I am using:

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