astar Peter Corke fail library

6 views (last 30 days)
Oscar Loyola
Oscar Loyola on 1 Jun 2020
Edited: karim botros on 24 Jan 2022
Hello!, I stay working with the Peter Corke library for robotics and searching methodos to navigate when try to work with the example the next trouble happend.
'path' is not an accessible method of base class 'Navigation'.
Error in Astar/path (line 312)
path@Navigation(as, start);
Error in aestrella (line 8)
as.path(start); % plan solution path start-to-goal, animate
I search in the library, but the method exist if I change in the code 'path' to 'query' the algoritms don't have troubles but isn't make the calculus.
the code example is the next:
load map1 % load map
goal = [50;30];
as = Astar(map); % create Navigation object
as.plan(goal,2,3,0); % setup costmap for specified goal;
% standard D* algorithm w/ 2 objectives
% and 3 costmap layers
as.path(start); % plan solution path start-to-goal, animate
P = as.path(start); % plan solution path start-to-goal, return
% path
Can anyone help me?
Ahmed Hassan
Ahmed Hassan on 29 Mar 2021
no molestes Mumraiz
Jose de Jesus Hernandez Barragan
Tambien tengo el mismo problema, D* si funciona pero A* no. Alguien sabe como solucionarlo?

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Answers (1)

karim botros
karim botros on 24 Jan 2022
Edited: karim botros on 24 Jan 2022
Try 'query' instead of 'path' as a subclass of navigation.
load map1 % load map
goal = [50;30];
as = Astar(map); % create Navigation object
as.plan(goal,2,3,0); % setup costmap for specified goal;
% standard D* algorithm w/ 2 objectives
% and 3 costmap layers
as.path(start); % plan solution path start-to-goal, animate
P = as.path(start); % plan solution path start-to-goal, return
% path


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