How to plot x-y coordinates which correspond to elements which are repeated at least once
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My project concerns capture & recapture of rats. I have a 1040 x 3 array, the first column is the tag number of the rat (when each rat is captured for the first time, its given a tag (harmlessly of course!) the other 2 columns are the x & y coordinates respectively of where in a 7x7 plane the rat was captured. If the same rat is captured again, its position is then recorded again. I want to plot how the position of all of the individual rats which were captured more than once change over time. I've got a list of the indices of all of the non-repeated elements (i.e. all the rats which were seen once, but not again), but don't know where to go from there. Thanks for any help
Accepted Answer
John Petersen
on 29 Nov 2012
This may get you started
A = 1040x3 array
[r,c] = size(A);
[tags, iA,ic] = unique(A(:,1)); % rats that have been captured
t = 1:r; % scale time as needed.
rat2 = setdiff(tags,iA); % rats that have been captured more than once
colr = ['b','g','r','m','c','k']; % identify rats with different colors
for i=1:length(rat2)
ind = A(:,1)==A(rat2(i),1); % pick all the rat locs for rat i
plot3(t(ind),A(ind,2),A(ind,3),colr(i)); % plot rat i trajectory
hold on;
grid on;
John Petersen
on 5 Dec 2012
The dimensions I was user were, time, x, and y. But if all you want is x,y, then try what I have below. I also fixed the last little problem I think.
TAGS = [1:6]';
A = [ TAGS(ceil(6*rand(20,1))) rand(20,2)];
[r,c] = size(A);
[tags, iA,ic] = unique(A(:,1)); % rats that have been captured
t = [1:r]'; % scale time as needed.
niA = setdiff(t,iA);
[rat2,i2] = intersect(A(niA,1),A(iA,1)); % rats that have been captured more than once
rat2ind = [iA;niA(i2)]; % indices of rats seen 2+ times
colr = ['bo-';'go-';'ro-';'mo-';'co-';'ko-']; % identify rats with different colors
for i=1:length(rat2)
ind = A(:,1)==rat2(i); % pick all the rat locs for rat i
plot(A(ind,2),A(ind,3),colr(i,:)); % plot rat i trajectory
hold on;
More Answers (1)
Timothy Russell
on 27 Jan 2013
John Petersen
on 29 Jan 2013
Isn't "A" the nx3 matrix you're looking for? or am I missing something?
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