Plot Tools in Deployed App (Brush tool)

2 views (last 30 days)
Manash Sahoo
Manash Sahoo on 23 Jun 2020
I am in a bit of a pickle, as I have an application in which I would like to deploy (at some point) that is dependent on using the figure plot tools (brush tool, specifically). My App allows users to select a datapoint, but I was relying on the brush tool to return the selected data.
I have read that previous releases do not support plottools for deployed apps. When I go to the MATLAB list of functions that are not supported for the compiler, I see that 'plottools' is still on the list as of 2020a.
So, I have come to terms and accepted that I probably will not be able to use the brush tool on the deployed app... however, I'm wondering if there are any other ways that I can allow a user to select a datapoint from a 2-D plot? Any help is tremendously appreciated!
  • Manash

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