How to extract data from all matrixes of a cell array?

21 views (last 30 days)
I have a cell array 1x23 and every matrix contains 1x921600 and they're all same size but i only need to extract data from all the matrixes from array 1 until 456000 and again from 456000 until 764500. how can i do that ?

Accepted Answer

Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 30 Jun 2020
Edited: Adam Danz on 30 Jun 2020
For cell array "C"
newArray = cellfun(@(a){{a(1,1:456000);a(1,456000:764500)}},C);
newArray = [newArray{:}];
newArray is a 2xn cell array of row vectors where row 1, newArray(1,:), are the values 1:456000 and row 2, newArray(2,:), are values 456000:764500
newArray =
2×23 cell array
Columns 1 through 3
{1×456000 double} {1×456000 double} {1×456000 double} . . . . .
{1×308501 double} {1×308501 double} {1×308501 double} . . . . .
Yasyas9 on 30 Jun 2020
Thank you so much yes that's exactly what i wanted

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More Answers (1)

Reeshabh Kumar Ranjan
Reeshabh Kumar Ranjan on 30 Jun 2020
By extracting data, I assume you mean accessing the elements. This seems more of a syntax question.
Let's say you have a cell array
ca = {[1 2 3], [4 5 6], [7, 8, 9]}
Now, you can just loop over it
for i = 1 : length(ca)
matrix = ca{i}
% you have the matrix in each iteration now, access its elements any way you like
Evangelia Tripoliti
Evangelia Tripoliti on 14 Sep 2022
This is partly true. What if you have 100 matrices in a cell array? will you name the individually?
Stephen23 on 14 Sep 2022
Edited: Stephen23 on 14 Sep 2022
"This is partly true."
Exactly which part is untrue?
"What if you have 100 matrices in a cell array?"
As stated in my previous comment, I would use simple and efficient indexing into the cell array. This is not just a hypothetical situation, I do this very often (e.g. processing TB of data in thousands of files).
"will you name the individually?"

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