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Issues with audiorecorder function in Matlab online R2020a?

26 views (last 30 days)
Hi. I'm using Matlab online R2020a and I have 2 microphones and 2 speakers connected in my laptop, but when I try to use audiorecorder function I received error message: "no audio input device found on this system". Are there issues with matlab online?

Answers (3)

SC on 1 Jul 2020

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 13 Apr 2021
As mentioned by @Eddy Armas
At least up to R2021a, MATLAB Online does not support audio input.
MATLAB Online does support some audio output, but only for the Chrome browser at the present time. Supported functions include sound(), soundsc(), and audioplayer()

Ali on 7 Jan 2024
Edited: Walter Roberson on 7 Jan 2024
audioFilePath = 'C:\Users\YA_ATTAR_26\Documents\MATLAB\ansari1024.wav';
samplingRates = [44100, 22050, 11025, 8192, 4096, 2048, 1024];
resultsCell = cell(length(samplingRates), 4);
for i = 1:length(samplingRates)
[audioData, Fs] = audioread(audioFilePath);
audioResampled = resample(audioData, samplingRates(i), Fs);
disp(['Playing at Sampling Rate: ' num2str(samplingRates(i)) ' samples/sec']);
if 0.5 == (Fs / samplingRates(i)) || (Fs / samplingRates(i)) < 0.5
aliasing = 'No';
aliasing = 'Yes';
voiceQuality = input('Please provide your observation on voice quality (e.g., good, fair, poor): ', 's');
fileSizeKB = numel(audioResampled) * 16 / 8 / 1024; % Assuming 16-bit audio
% Store results in the cell array
resultsCell{i, 1} = samplingRates(i);
resultsCell{i, 2} = voiceQuality;
resultsCell{i, 3} = fileSizeKB;
resultsCell{i, 4} = aliasing;
catch ME
disp(['Error processing at sampling rate ' num2str(samplingRates(i)) ':']);
% Display results in a table format
resultsTable = cell2table(resultsCell, 'VariableNames', {'SamplingRate', 'VoiceQuality', 'FileSizeKB', 'Aliasing'});
  1 Comment
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 7 Jan 2024
audioFilePath = 'C:\Users\YA_ATTAR_26\Documents\MATLAB\ansari1024.wav';
The discussion is about MATLAB Online's handling of audio. MATLAB Online cannot read files from Windows.

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