I have problem in setting ColumnFormat of UITable differently by Column.
I'm trying to input time data in 1st column of UITable and Temp. data in 2nd column of UITable.
But my time data is recorded in string format; [MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS (AM/PM)].
My code is wroted below.
app.UITable1.ColumnFormat = {'char', 'Long'};
app.UITable1.RowName = 1:app.row;
app.UITable1.Data(:,1) = app.E_Tstring;
app.UITable1.Data(:,2:app.NSensor+1) = app.E_D(:,:);
when i run my code, gui print time data to NaN.
In case of putting only Time data in UITable, i got desirable result. ColumnName means 'input time data individually'.
How could i fix this error? Thanks for reading my question.