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How do I export a plot comprising of multiple functions to .stl?

5 views (last 30 days)
I have a plot created using multiple parametric functions that define an archimedean spiral. I want to export the plotted figure to stl or convert it into a mesh that resembles the plotted shape, however, am unable to do so. I have tried using triangulation and mesh grid but to no avail. The plot I want to export is shown above.
This plot was generated using:
% Spiral edges
x = (inner_radius + spiral_growth_rate.*angles).*cos(angles);
y = (inner_radius + spiral_growth_rate.*angles).*sin(angles);
syms theta
diff_x = diff((inner_radius +spiral_growth_rate*theta)*cos(theta));
diff_y = diff((inner_radius +spiral_growth_rate*theta)*sin(theta));
N_x = (-diff_y)/sqrt(diff_x^2 + diff_y^2);
N_y = (diff_x)/sqrt(diff_x^2 + diff_y^2);
shift_x = vpa(subs(N_x, theta, angles));
shift_y = vpa(subs(N_y, theta, angles));
outer_x_coords = x+shift_x.*thickness/2;
outer_y_coords = y+shift_y.*thickness/2;
inner_x_coords = x-shift_x.*thickness/2;
inner_y_coords = y-shift_y.*thickness/2;
% Joining curves
s = linspace(-1, 1);
inner_j_x = x(1) + s .* shift_x(1)*thickness/2;
inner_j_y = y(1) + s .* shift_y(1)*thickness/2;
outer_j_x = x(end) + s .* shift_x(end).*thickness/2;
outer_j_y = y(end) + s .* shift_y(end).*thickness/2;
x_coords = double([inner_x_coords, outer_x_coords, inner_j_x, outer_j_x]);
y_coords = double([inner_y_coords, outer_y_coords, inner_j_y, outer_j_y]);
% [X,Y] = meshgrid(x_coords, y_coords);
% T = delaunay(X,Y);
% trimesh(T,x,y);
hold on
plot(outer_x_coords, outer_y_coords);
plot(inner_x_coords, inner_y_coords);
plot(inner_j_x, inner_j_y);
plot(outer_j_x, outer_j_y);
hold off

Accepted Answer

Aayush Chadha
Aayush Chadha on 22 Aug 2020
In case someone ever encounters a similar problem. I ended up doing this by generating the points in Python and then using pygmsh to generate the mesh. I wrote this mesh to STL, opened and saved it using Meshlab (I do not know why the mesh couldn't be read otherwise by customAntennaStl) before I was able to finally use it.

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