MATLAB function block error in Simulink

15 views (last 30 days)
I am trying to run a function in Simulink model. I have the function working without any error if I call it in an m-script. However, if I add the same function in MATLAB function block, I have dimension errors.
Why don't I see these errors when I call it in m-script? Is there is a way to debug this?

Accepted Answer

Abdolkarim Mohammadi
Abdolkarim Mohammadi on 24 Sep 2020
Edited: Abdolkarim Mohammadi on 24 Sep 2020
Unlike m-file functions, MATLAB function block does not apply automatic array expansion. The simplest way to overcome is to define your m-file function as an extrinsic function in the MATLAB function block.
function v = fcn (u) % MATLAB function block
coder.extrinsic ('MATLAB function name'); % m-file function
Rubeena Parveez
Rubeena Parveez on 24 Sep 2020
Thank you, this works but I read that coder.extrinsic does not support code generation. Is there any other way to do this?
Abdolkarim Mohammadi
Abdolkarim Mohammadi on 24 Sep 2020
Edited: Abdolkarim Mohammadi on 24 Sep 2020
As far as I know, there is no way. As emphasized by documentation and the top contributor of this forum.

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