Exponential Increase instead of Linear

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Gautam Khanna
Gautam Khanna on 24 Sep 2020
Commented: Looky on 25 Sep 2020
The plot between V and I should be as shown, but it produces an exponential increase of I with V
q = 1.6e-19;
E = [-0.5:0.001:0.5]; % [eV]
V = [0:0.01:0.5]; % [V]
mu = 0; % [eV]
kB = 1.38e-23; % [J/K]
kB = kB/q; % [eV/K]
h = 6.626e-34/(44/7); % [J.s]
h = h/q; % [eV.s]
T = 300; % [K]
g1 = 0.2; % [eV], gamma1
g2 = 0.2; % [eV], gamma2
g = 0.1; % [eV], g1*g2/g1+g2
dE = 0.001; % [eV], delta E
D = zeros(1,length(E));
mu1 = zeros(1,length(V));
mu2 = zeros(1,length(V));
f1 = zeros(1,length(V));
f2 = zeros(1,length(V));
f = zeros(1,length(V));
F = zeros(1,length(V));
I = zeros(1,length(V));
for j = 1:length(V)
for i = 1:length(E)
if E(i)>= -0.1
mu1(j) = mu + ((q*V(j))/2);
mu1(j) = mu1(j)/q; % [eV]
mu2(j) = mu - ((q*V(j))/2);
mu2(j) = mu2(j)/q; % [eV]
f1(j) = 1 ./ (1+exp((E(i)-mu1(j))/(kB*T)));
f2(j) = 1 ./ (1+exp((E(i)-mu2(j))/(kB*T)));
f(j) = f1(j)-f2(j);
F(j) = D(i)*g*f(j)*dE;
I(j) = ((2*q)/h)*sum(F(j));
plot(V,I,'b-','linewidth',2); hold on;
xlim([0 0.5]);
  1 Comment
Looky on 25 Sep 2020
Check your inner for loop. It computes the D values for index i 1:length(E) but only the i = length(E) is used afterwards. Also this loop does not contain the index j and E is nether changed, so why is it nested anyway? You could compute it beforehand?
Look at f1(j) = 1 ./ (1+exp((E(i)-mu1(j))/(kB*T))); Here the E(i) will always be the same value ( E(length(E))? is this intended?

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