Block settings of "Code generation storage class" missed in Simulink R2020b

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In my MATLAB R2020b, the block settings of "Code generation storage class" and "Signal object class" for Delay, Discrete-time FIlter and some other Simulink blocks are missing. The screenshot is shown below
And the "code" option in model data editor is also missed:
These lost issues can be found in the same model opened by MATLAB R2020a. Could anyone help me with this problem?

Accepted Answer

Urmila Rajpurohith
Urmila Rajpurohith on 4 Mar 2021
  • Currently these parameters can be achieved as follows:
1. Instead of accessing "Signal object class", it is possible to use a custom storage class package when creating the state.(see "1" in above image)
2. To set up the storage class, you can utilise the code mappings pane editor instead of the old "Code generation storage class" option, as suggested by Mark McBroom.
(see "2" in above image)

More Answers (1)

Mark McBroom
Mark McBroom on 2 Nov 2020
The use the "Code Mappings" dialog to set storage class. This can be found in the lower left-hand corner of the Simulink Canvas.
  1 Comment
Mingjin Hu
Mingjin Hu on 2 Nov 2020
But where the block settings of "Code generation storage class" and "Signal object class" for Delay, Discrete-time FIlter and the other blocks in Simulink/Discrete category? I found them are still in the help document.

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