Check for optional inputs in a function using exist

30 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone. Is it wrong, prone to mistakes, or slower to check the existance of optional arguments in a function using exist()? For the purposes of the illustration, assume I have 2 required and 1 optional inputs named r1,r2 and op1, respectively.
function y = mafun(r1,r2,op1)
if ~(exist('op1', 'var')==1)
op1 = 'smthn';
%do smthn with r1,r2 and op1 (when needed)

Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 28 Oct 2020
I suspect that it is faster to check nargin.
Note: starting R2019b, it is possible to use an "arguments" block to do automatic default values.

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