As per my understanding you want these following points to be plotted.
(x,y,z)=> (15,50,0.1576549),(25,20,0.1581748),(25,50,0.157905),(25,80,0.157428).
- Understanding the working of "surf".
For a given matrix A, surf(A) will plot A(i,j) at i on x-axis and j on y axis where i and j are row and column number respectively.
Consider the following example for better understanding
Let A=[a,b;c,d]
surf(A) will surface plot the element b of matrix A at (1,1) as x and y coordinates.
X=[15 50 0.1576549; 25 20 0.1581748; 25 50 0.157905; 25 80 0.157428 ]
According to the above explanation, surf(X) will surface plot
the following points (1,1,15),(2,1,25),(1,2,50) etc. As per my understanding, surf will not work for your application.
- Undersatnding the working of "plot3"
(x,y,z)=> (15,50,0.1576549),(25,20,0.1581748),(25,50,0.157905),(25,80,0.157428)
For plotting these points "plot3" can be used. Following code snippet is for better understanding.
X=[15 50 0.1576549; 25 20 0.1581748; 25 50 0.157905; 25 80 0.157428 ]