Printing functions using fprintf

11 views (last 30 days)
Joseph DeMaria
Joseph DeMaria on 4 Nov 2020
Commented: Ameer Hamza on 4 Nov 2020
The prompt for the question has the user input vectors x y and scalar h, then compute some functions I have defined... The problem I'm having is, in the main script i have to print the row vectors x+y and z, one vector per line, using two decimal places for each element.
I have tried numerous fprintf statements such as
"fprintf ('x+y=%.2f+%.2f,x,y)
fprintf ('.%.2f +%.2f',x,y)
fprintf ('%.2f+%.2f=',x+y)"
however, while each element is rounded to two decimal places, and the addition is simple, it is not printing the way it is required. Any tips/help? Thank you!

Answers (1)

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 4 Nov 2020
If x and y are vectors then try this
x = 1:5;
y = 2:6;
fprintf('%.2f + %.2f\n', [x(:) y(:)].')
1.00 + 2.00
2.00 + 3.00
3.00 + 4.00
4.00 + 5.00
5.00 + 6.00
Joseph DeMaria
Joseph DeMaria on 4 Nov 2020
awesome, thank you so much. In terms of the questions guidlines it states "print the row vectors x+y and z, one vector per line, using two decimal places for each element." Would the format we have done above satisfy these conditions?
In other words is the format we have satisfactory? or would a code such as:
fprintf('The data table shows row vector x followed by row vector y, ending in the sum of x and y');
which outputs :
The data table shows row vector x followed by row vector y, ending in the sum of x and y
datatable =
1 2 3
3 2 1
4 4 4
be better for these such conditions?
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza on 4 Nov 2020
I think that the current results should be fine and fulfills the requirement. datatable you shared does not follow the rule for printing 2 decimal places.

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