MATLAB 2020b does not recognize GTX570 even with CUDA 10.2 up-to-date
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Hi fellows,
My colleague's system is Windows 7 64 bits.
All NVIDIA stuff is up-to-date, and we checked also using nvidia-smi command lines in prompt. Parallel Computing Toolbox is fine as well.
The error message after typing in MATLAB
is always about to update CUDA to 10.2; even though it is already up-to-date.
One thing to notice is that he's using a trial version. Would it somehow affect what he's facing?
Any thoughts?
Accepted Answer
Jason Ross
on 5 Nov 2020
Edited: Jason Ross
on 5 Nov 2020
The GTX 570 card is based on the Fermi architecture. nVidia ended Fermi support in April 2018, so CUDA Toolkits more recent than 8.0 will not work with a Fermi card. This means that the latest release of MATLAB that will recognize this card is R2017b.
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