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HDL OFDM Transmitter Reference Application

9 views (last 30 days)
I am not able to open HDL OFDM Transmitter Reference Application simulink model.
Can you please tell me if this is available for user?

Accepted Answer

Sriram Tadavarty
Sriram Tadavarty on 6 Nov 2020
Hi Nisha,
Please ensure you have the products HDL Coder, Wireless HDL Toolbox and Simulink installed in MATLAB. Also, ensure you have R2020b version, since it is introduced in that version of MATLAB.
Hope this helps.
Nisha Nair
Nisha Nair on 9 Nov 2020
Trying out this way
online MATLAB trial for 30 days:
Run WHDLOFDMTransmitterExample.m
Log file:
Value Represents modulation type
_____ __________________________
2 16QAM
3 64QAM
Value Represents code rate
_____ ____________________
0 1/2
1 2/3
2 3/4
3 5/6
Parameter Value
________________________ _________
Sample rate 1.92 Msps
Subcarrier spacing 15 KHz
FFT Length 128
Bandwidth of OFDM signal 1.4 MHz
Active Subcarriers 72
Left guard subcarriers 28
Right guard subcarriers 27
Cyclic Prefix length 32
Data symbols per frame 32
Pilots per data symbol 12
Error using WHDLOFDMTransmitterExample (line 148)
No system or file called 'whdlOFDMTransmitter' found.
No system or file called 'whdlOFDMTransmitter' found.
I get this error:
Error using WHDLOFDMTransmitterExample (line 148)
No system or file called 'whdlOFDMTransmitter' found.
Nisha Nair
Nisha Nair on 9 Nov 2020
On run of OFDMTxVerification.m , gives an error of Coomunication tool box missing. Can I add the communication toolbox on to my online demo package?
Add on tab am not able to locate.
Can we club communication and wireless tool boxes for demo?

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