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How to detect a piano key press?

4 views (last 30 days)
Miguel Martinez
Miguel Martinez on 9 Nov 2020
Answered: Abhisek Pradhan on 12 Nov 2020
I have a midi piano and a camera. My goal is that while I'm playing every time I press a key on the piano a photo is taken for later processing. How can I do that in real time?

Answers (1)

Abhisek Pradhan
Abhisek Pradhan on 12 Nov 2020
Musical Instruments Digital Interface (MIDI) in Audio Toolbox can be used to create, send & receive MIDI messages. So it can be used to set up a piano with MATLAB. And for setting up the webcam using a support package, refer the following link.
For clicking pictures with a keypress, callback functions can be implemented along with a keypress event to simulate this scenario.


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