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How to find all double expressions added to a very long formula?

7 views (last 30 days)
Given a large formula how do i find all expressions multiplied by two terms such as.
syms m1 m2 l1 l2 thetadotdot1 thetadotdot2 thetadot1 thetadot2 theta1 theta2 g; n=1;
The output should be
Where the coeficient is
Currently I am using this method:
feval(symengine, 'coeff', t1, thetadot1,n)/thetadot2;
But I want a better bethod that this, as this might not work for all cases.

Answers (1)

Ayush Modi
Ayush Modi on 30 Aug 2024
Edited: Ayush Modi on 30 Aug 2024
Hi Yusuf,
I understand you want to get the coefficient values of all the terms which contains thetadot1*thetadot2.
You can achieve this using "coeffs" function. Here is the code to get you started:
syms m1 m2 l1 l2 thetadotdot1 thetadotdot2 thetadot1 thetadot2 theta1 theta2 g; n=1;
t1 = 
target_term = thetadot1 * thetadot2;
t1_factored = factor(t1);
[coeffs_array, terms_array] = coeffs(t1_factored, [thetadot1, thetadot2]);
index = find(terms_array == target_term);
coefficient = coeffs_array(index)
coefficient = 
Refer to the following MathWorks documentation for more information on "coeffs" function:


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