I am struggling with the code generation of a function containing the fsolve command (supported since R2020b). Since it is a rather new topic, I did not find any related entries.
This is the function i try to generate the mex-file for:
function [x] = test_function(a,b)
x = zeros(1);
opts = optimoptions('fsolve','Algorithm','levenberg-marquardt','Display','off');
fcn = @(in)feval(b,in);
rng default
x0 = double(0.00);x(1) = fsolve(fcn,x0,opts);
And this is how I setup the code generation:
cfg = coder.config('mex');
types = coder.getArgTypes('mytest','test_function')
codegen -config cfg -args types test_function
With the following function to get the coder.Types:
function out = mytest
a.val = 10e-5;
a.string = "FunctionTolerance";
b = 'myeq';
out = test_function(a,b);
The struct a has no purpose yet, but will later be used to setup the optimoptions.
Error Message after calling the codegen:
"??? Index expression out of bounds. Attempted to access element 1. The valid
range is 1-0."
In the Coder Report Viewer it sais, that the error occured in function projectBox. I would appreciate any thoughts on this.
Many Regards,