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Paste figures and texts automatically to a WORD file in Mac?

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I have implemented most of my MATLAB codes (2011b) in Windows 7 64bit. In Windows OS, save2word.m and actxserver.m allowed me to paste figures and texts to a specific WORD file, making data interpretation and reports writing easy. That is, my MATLAB code generates hundreds of figures and corresponding texts (so that I can search for each figure), which were automatically pasted/written to designated MS WORD files. So that I can take a nap and come back to read/search/comment the figures and texts in the word files. It is really convenient. I really appreciate the author of save2word.m. Thank him or she.
Recently, I bought an used Mac Book Pro with Intel i7 CPU and Lion OS to read and write papers. Of course I tried to make MATLAB run on Mac. Unfortunately, I found that save2word.m does not work on Mac because actxserver simply does not exist in Mac OS. Although saveas(gcf,'filename','pdf') works in Mac, it does not allow me to add searchable texts after each figure easily. And I cannot append new Figures onto an existing pdf directly. Furthermore, editing text and adding new figures in pdf is not as easy as in WORD.
I have googled and found a Mac user suggested to use Java equivalent to paste figures and texts to editable documents in Mac OS. But no specific method was mentioned.
In brief, I hope to find a way to automatically paste figures and searchable texts onto a editable file (eg. MS WORD, or LibreOffice WRITER) in Mac OS. I hope to hear back from you. Thank you for reply in advanced. If you think Mac cannot conquer this job, please also let me know.

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