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2 Problems with creating a bar plot and a legend inside a for loop

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I have a set of data with which i am creating different plots and a bar plot in one diagram. All this happens in a for loop. I have created a cell array with different color codes so that each set of data has its own color. I first plotted 5 graphs in each loop which means 10 graph in total and everything worked well. But when i tried to create a bar plot and create a legend to my plots i run into the same problem. My legend and my bar just get the colors of my last loop/graph and one for every loop.
number = numel(s.DATA.X);
for i = 1:number
c = {'b','r','g','y','k'};
  1. Problem: Each loop calculates the gradient of a linear regression. I want to plot the gradients in a bar plot and each bar should have the color of its corresponding dataset. When plotting the linear regression inside my graph every one of them has a different color, like i want to. At the end when i try to plot a bar diagram (still inside the for loop) for some reason it doesnt work anymore and each bar has the same color.
p{i} = polyfit(x_relevant{i}, y_relevant{i},1);
fit{i} = polyval(p{i},x_relevant{i});
p3{i} = plot(x_relevant{i},fit{i},'color',c{i},'LineWidth',3); <--- Works fine
coefs = cell2mat(p(:));
b = bar(coefs(:,1));
set(b,'FaceColor',c{i}); <--- Doesnt work, and puts all bars in the color of the last loop/graph
2. Problem: I am creating 5 plots in each loop which consists of the data split into 3 parts, a linear regression and a fit error. I want to creat a legend which has all 5 graphs for each loop and the right color, which would result in 10 rows in my legend witht he first 5 beeing blue and the second 5 beeing red. I only get 5 in total though.
p1{i} = plot(x_irrelevant1{i},y_irrelevant1{i},'color',[0.5 0.5 0.5],'Marker','.','linestyle','none');
hold on
p2{i} = plot(x_relevant{i},y_relevant{i},'color',c{i},'Marker','.','linestyle','none');
hold on
legend([p1{i},p2{i},p3{i},p4{i},p5{i}],'All Datapoints Set 1','Datapoints Set 1','Lin reg Set 1','Fitt Err','Fit Err2');

Accepted Answer

Patrick Petre
Patrick Petre on 30 Nov 2020
Edited: Patrick Petre on 30 Nov 2020
Okay so i figured out my problem number 2. Solution was to create a list with the legend names and + the variable and then to put each of them into the plot itself (...,'Displayname',legendname)

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