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Psychoacoustic Roughness MATLAB code

11 views (last 30 days)
dedong zhang
dedong zhang on 16 Dec 2020
Answered: Manish Manohare on 9 May 2021
How do I calculate Psychoacoustic Roughness in MATLAB? I found loudness, sharpness and flucturation, but no roughness. Is there someone can share the code? Thank you very much!
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 16 Dec 2020
Not without the formulas (unless someone already has done it). Where (what toolbox) were the others found in?
dedong zhang
dedong zhang on 17 Dec 2020
There are three functions which can calculate loudness, sharpness and flucturation. They are acousticLoudness, acousticSharpness and acousticFlucturation. You can find the documentation by coding "help acousticLoudness" in Matlab.

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Answers (2)

Pratyush Roy
Pratyush Roy on 22 Dec 2020
There is no support for calculating Psychoacoustic Roughness yet. I have brought this issue to the concerned people and it might be considered in any future release.

Manish Manohare
Manish Manohare on 9 May 2021


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