How to plot streamlines continuously?
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So here's my function:
[x,y] = meshgrid(-2:0.2:2);
hold all
dy = (x.^3+y)./(x.^2+y.^2) ;
norm = sqrt(dy.^2+1^2);
quiver(x, y, ones(size(x))./norm,dy./norm,0.75)
startx = -2:0.2:2; %Streamlines
starty = 0.*ones(size(startx));
streamline(x, y, ones(size(x))./norm,dy./norm,startx,starty)
looks pretty decent, but I wish to know how I can plot stream lines starting at each y-values that are 0.2 unity apart from each other. The code above just plots streamlines origining at 0.
Accepted Answer
Mischa Kim
on 5 Jan 2021
Edited: Mischa Kim
on 5 Jan 2021
Not entirely sure what you mean. Changing startx and starty values? In your code you set the starting values on the y-axis to 0.
starty = -2:0.2:2; %Streamlines
startx = -2.*ones(size(starty));
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