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How to use for loop

1 view (last 30 days)
Inifome Eleluwor
Inifome Eleluwor on 11 Jan 2021
Commented: Inifome Eleluwor on 11 Jan 2021
Hello, I'm supposed to make a code that prompts the user to enter a positive real number to 1 decimal place. I should prompt the user 10 times. This was the code I used.
user_input = fprintf('%.1f', input('Enter a positive real number'));
for i = 1:10
if user_input <= 0
user_input = fprintf('%.1f', input('Enter a positive real number'));

Accepted Answer

WalterWhite on 11 Jan 2021
user_input = fprintf('%.1f\n', input('Enter a positive real number\n'));
for i = 1:9 %first input outside the loop;so 9 more inputs
if user_input >= 0
user_input = fprintf('%.1f\n', input('Enter a positive real number\n'));
  1 Comment
Inifome Eleluwor
Inifome Eleluwor on 11 Jan 2021
thank you for your answer. Very appreciated.

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More Answers (1)

KSSV on 11 Jan 2021
user_input = fprintf('%.1f\n', input('Enter a positive real number'));
count = 0 ;
while count <= 10
if user_input >= 0
count = count+1 ;
user_input = fprintf('%.1f\n', input('Enter a positive real number'));
  1 Comment
Inifome Eleluwor
Inifome Eleluwor on 11 Jan 2021
thank you for your answer. Very appreciated.

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