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How can I get the extent (bounding box) of the legend on a plot?

12 views (last 30 days)
How can I get the extent (bounding box) of the legend on a plot? For example, can get the extent of a text label like this:
h = text(x, y, "hello");
extent = get(h, 'extent');
I am trying to place text labels where they do not overlap with objects on the plot.
RonE on 11 Jan 2021
Edited: RonE on 11 Jan 2021
Ok thank you, the next question would be "how does that position relate to the plot coordinates?" Position returns [0.8158 0.4488 0.0862 0.1373]. My x axis range is 0-87. If I multiply 0.8158 * 87 = 70.97, but the left edge of my legend is at about 77.
Mario Malic
Mario Malic on 11 Jan 2021
These numbers are relative to the axes parent frame. Last two numbers of legend's position property denote width and height relative to the axes border. First two being the distance between bottom-left corner of axes and bottom-left starting point of legend.
To get the coordinates, multiply the appropriate position properties of axes and legend.

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