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Simulink Onramp 13.1 Task 5

4 views (last 30 days)
Dear Matlab community I'm doing the simulink onramp course and im facing the following issue: I initially wrote 0.5, rho, Cd, and A as separate constant blocks and connected them to the product block. Now simulink did not like it, so i put them all in one single constant and deleted the others constant blocks. This left 3 empty inputs in the product block and the velocity did not slow down as the area and drag coefficient increased. Removing the product block and putting it back in with only 2 imputs fixed the problem. Why is that so? Can this bug arise in "non training" simulations?

Accepted Answer

Sahithi Kanumarlapudi
Sahithi Kanumarlapudi on 22 Feb 2021
This is a known issue in the Simulink Onramp training. The answer to your question, whether this bug would arise in "non training" simulations is No. This is just a bug in the onramp and might be fixed in future releases.
Hope this helps!
  1 Comment
Francesco Valant
Francesco Valant on 26 Feb 2021
Thanks for the kind answer and for taking your time to help me.

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