How can i get value from field that created by uideditfiled command ?
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Hi. I m new matlab app designer app. I create a numeric field and i ask input from user then i created automatically numeric field according to user input. (figure 2). How i can read values that where in created fields ?
Also, is there any different methods for creation fields automatically and adding as components.
classdef app8 < matlab.apps.AppBase
% Properties that correspond to app components
properties (Access = public)
UIFigure matlab.ui.Figure
NumEditFieldLabel matlab.ui.control.Label
NumEditField matlab.ui.control.NumericEditField
Button matlab.ui.control.Button
% Callbacks that handle component events
methods (Access = private)
% Button pushed function: Button
%% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% !!!!!!
function ButtonPushed(app, event)
for i = 1:app.NumEditField.Value
eval(sprintf('app8.ef%d = uieditfield(app.UIFigure,"numeric")',i));
eval(sprintf('app8.ef%d.Position = [180,350 - %d,31,22]',i,37*i))
%% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% %% !!!!!!
% Component initialization
methods (Access = private)
% Create UIFigure and components
function createComponents(app)
% Create UIFigure and hide until all components are created
app.UIFigure = uifigure('Visible', 'off');
app.UIFigure.Position = [100 100 640 480];
app.UIFigure.Name = 'MATLAB App';
% Create NumEditFieldLabel
app.NumEditFieldLabel = uilabel(app.UIFigure);
app.NumEditFieldLabel.HorizontalAlignment = 'right';
app.NumEditFieldLabel.Position = [86 413 31 22];
app.NumEditFieldLabel.Text = 'Num';
% Create NumEditField
app.NumEditField = uieditfield(app.UIFigure, 'numeric');
app.NumEditField.Position = [132 413 100 22];
% Create Button
app.Button = uibutton(app.UIFigure, 'push');
app.Button.ButtonPushedFcn = createCallbackFcn(app, @ButtonPushed, true);
app.Button.Position = [132 362 100 22];
% Show the figure after all components are created
app.UIFigure.Visible = 'on';
% App creation and deletion
methods (Access = public)
% Construct app
function app = app8
% Create UIFigure and components
% Register the app with App Designer
registerApp(app, app.UIFigure)
if nargout == 0
clear app
% Code that executes before app deletion
function delete(app)
% Delete UIFigure when app is deleted
1 Comment
Answers (1)
Cameron B
on 15 Mar 2021
Are you just trying to get the value of the input from the user? If so then it's
YourNum = app.NumEditField.Value
See Also
Find more on Develop Apps Using App Designer in Help Center and File Exchange
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