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How to draw a vector 1x91 double

2 views (last 30 days)
Andrea Cesaro
Andrea Cesaro on 23 Mar 2021
Commented: Andrea Cesaro on 23 Mar 2021
How can i draw a vector 1x91 that it depends on a coordinate q. I mean that I must draw this vector in a graph where the vector moves with the 91 values of the q, that is one value of q, one value of the vector 1x1.
Andrea Cesaro
Andrea Cesaro on 23 Mar 2021
Yes, but in this way I find a curve and not the vector moves

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Accepted Answer

KSSV on 23 Mar 2021
vec = rand(1,91) ; % dummy data
q = 1:length(vec) ;
  1 Comment
Andrea Cesaro
Andrea Cesaro on 23 Mar 2021
Ok this is the standar representation of a vector, my problem is most difficult because I must represent this vector in a cartesian graph (x,y) and it has to move in this graph as a function of q

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