Variables within other variables

3 views (last 30 days)
I have variables L1 through L15 in my script and i am wondering if it would be possible to represent thesevariables as 'Ln' where n independant variable, in a way that allows the computer to read 'L4' for instance. This would mean instead of changing L1 at all locations in my script i can just change the one 'n' value and it does the rest for me?
Rik on 2 Apr 2021
@Sajid, please move your comment to the answer section.
@Joe, you could succeed using eval, but you should use the solution outlined by Sajid instead.
Stephen23 on 2 Apr 2021
Putting your data into one vector/array would be a much better use of MATLAB. Then you could use basic, powerful, efficient MATLAB approaches to writing your code, such as vectorization and indexing.
Your current approach, with lots of numbered variables, forces you into writing complex, inefficient code.

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Accepted Answer

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 2 Apr 2021
There are many options depending on what type of variables your L are. You could use a double array, a structure array, a table, or a cell array. For example, if the L are scalars, you could do
Ln = [L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, L9, L10, L11, ;12, L13, L14, L15];
n = 9; % Whatever....
result = Ln(n)

More Answers (1)

Sajid Afaque
Sajid Afaque on 2 Apr 2021
I am not clear with your question but with whatever i have understood is
you can have a single cellarray containg all the variables from L1 to L15.
you can access the cells using the required index .
try it might help
% example
L1 = 'dog';
L2 = 'cat';
L3 = 'fish';
% now storing these variables in a single cell array
Lgeneral{1} = L1;
Lgeneral{2} = L2;
Lgeneral{3} = L3;
%suppose you want to access now L2
accessed_L2 = Lgeneral{2} ;




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