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regressionLearner Data Set Variable and Response variable issues

1 view (last 30 days)
When I open regressionLearner, start a new session, select new session from Workspace, and then select a Data Set Variable, I can select a Data Set Variable normally, but options to select rows/columns as variables and selecting the Response varibale do not show up. I have tried restarting MATLAB and reinstalling the regressionLearner app, but this has not helped. I have MATLAB installed on two machines and this is only an issue on one of them. It is using the same Workspace data so I am not sure what is preventing it from working.

Answers (1)

Anshika Chaurasia
Anshika Chaurasia on 14 Apr 2021
Hi Samuel,
It seems that your issue requires more information and a deeper investigation.
I would recommend you to contact technical support: Contact Us - MATLAB & Simulink (


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