change fixed point number signedness

7 views (last 30 days)
scc28x on 19 Apr 2021
Answered: Andy Bartlett on 19 Apr 2021
Hi, I have a fixed point number which is unsigned. How do I cast it to a signed fi by taking the bits literally:
two cases:
a=fi(3,0,3,0); %case1: a='011'
a=fi(4,0,3,0); %case2: a='100'
Now define a new b=fi(....) based on 'a' such that
case1: b.bin will be '011' and is signed
case2: b.bin will be '100' and is signed

Answers (2)

stozaki on 19 Apr 2021
Hi scc28x,
>> b1 = fi(3,1,3,0)
b1 =
DataTypeMode: Fixed-point: binary point scaling
Signedness: Signed
WordLength: 3
FractionLength: 0
>> bin1 = b1.bin
bin1 =
>> b2 = fi(4,1,4,0)
b2 =
DataTypeMode: Fixed-point: binary point scaling
Signedness: Signed
WordLength: 4
FractionLength: 0
>> bin2 = b2.bin
bin2 =
b2 is carried by sign extension.
  1 Comment
scc28x on 19 Apr 2021
Edited: scc28x on 19 Apr 2021
Thank you for your reply. Perhaps I was not too clear about my question. What I wanted to convey is that I want to convert an offset binary number to its 2's complement equivalent binary:
eg. 'a' can take the value of:
11, 10, 01, 00 ----> 3, 2, 1, 0
I want to create 'b' by flipping the msb to get:
01, 00, 11, 10 ----> 1,0,-1,-2
I was going to do:
But just wondering if I could operate in the binary domain, that is:
  1. flip msb
  2. recast the new binary as a signed binary
In case you wonder why I want to do it the long way. The reason is that I want to code it in this manner so it is easy for the digital engineer to convert the matlab code to HDL without much thought.

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Andy Bartlett
Andy Bartlett on 19 Apr 2021
reinterpretcast is the solution
u = fi(129,0,8,0)
ntu = numerictype(u)
nty = numerictype(ntu,'SignednessBool',true)
y = reinterpretcast(u,nty)
which outputs
u =
ntu =
DataTypeMode: Fixed-point: binary point scaling
Signedness: Unsigned
WordLength: 8
FractionLength: 0
nty =
DataTypeMode: Fixed-point: binary point scaling
Signedness: Signed
WordLength: 8
FractionLength: 0
y =
ans =
2×8 char array




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