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Clear Filters


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I want to make GUI into .exe file

1 view (last 30 days)
Chang Jae Kim
Chang Jae Kim on 15 Jul 2013
Closed: MATLAB Answer Bot on 20 Aug 2021
please help me make GUI for ANN.
My problem is like this.
when I make GUI into .exe file, It express the error message as followed
in cbmn_DC>pushbutton1_Callback at 81 in gui_main fac at 96 in cbmn_DC at 42 in @(hObject,eventdata)cbmn_DC('pushbutton1_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)
Warning : While loading an oject of class 'nnetWeight' Undefined function or method 'initzero for input arguments of type 'char'.
Warning : An error occured when running a class's loadobj method. The object that was loaded from the MAT-file was a copy of the object before the loadobj method was run. The rest of the variables were also loaded from the MAT-file.
The encountered error was: Reference to non-existent field 'net_read_only'.
??? Undefined function or method 'sim' for input arguments of type 'struct'.
in cbmn_DC>pushbutton1_Callback at 96
in gui_main fac at 96
in cbmn_DC at 42 in @(hObject,eventdata)cbmn_DC('pushbutton1_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)|
and this is the my exe file script.
This file contains the list of various toolbox functions that are not
included in the CTF file. An error will be thrown if any of these functions
are called at run-time. Some of these functions may be from toolboxes
that you are not using in your application. The reason for this is that
these toolboxes have overloaded some methods that are called by your code.
If you know which toolboxes are being used by your code, you can use the -p
flag with the -N flag to list these toolboxes explicitly. This will
cause MATLAB Compiler to only look for functions in the specified toolbox
directories in addition to the MATLAB directories. Refer to the MCC
documentation for more information on this.
<pre class="language-matlab">D:\MATLAB\toolbox\nnet\nnet\nninitweight\rands.m
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\nnet\nnutils\+nntype\net_input_fcn.m
(because of toolbox compilability rules)
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\nnet\nnutils\+nntype\plot_fcn.m
(because of toolbox compilability rules)
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\codetools\@codegen\@momento\momento.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\nnet\nnutils\+nntype\adaptive_fcn.m
(because of toolbox compilability rules)
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\nnet\nnet\nnnetwork\linearlayer.m
(because of toolbox compilability rules)
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\nnet\nnutils\+nntype\derivative_fcn.m
(because of toolbox compilability rules)
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\nnet\nnet\nnnetwork\linearlayer.m
(because of toolbox compilability rules)
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\nnet\nnet\nnnetwork\linearlayer.m
(because of toolbox compilability rules)
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\nnet\nnet\nnnetwork\feedforwardnet.m
(because of toolbox compilability rules)
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\scribe\legend.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\nnet\nnet\nnnetwork\linearlayer.m
(because of toolbox compilability rules)
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\graph3d\rotate3d.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\graph2d\private\v6_zoom.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\graph3d\surf.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\private\barV6.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\nnet\nnet\nnnetwork\linearlayer.m
(because of toolbox compilability rules)
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...
$file in $toolbox and ...
$file not in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/shared, $toolbox/compiler] ...
and not ($file in $toolbox/distcomp and $caller in $toolbox/matlab))
called by D:\MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\bar.m
(D:\MATLAB\toolbox\compiler\depfun.opts, line 7:
exclude if $caller in [$toolbox/matlab, $toolbox/daq] and ...

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