LaTex interpreter in Heatmap ax-label

10 views (last 30 days)
I want to use the LaTex interpreter in the xlabel and ylabel of a Heatmap plot.
I know how to do it for the plot() command, where I just have to write (it is just an example, and it works):
plot(x, f(x))
The command heatmap() doesn't seem to work like the plot() command. Here's the code I'm using, where the variable Err is a MxM matrix:
from which I receive the following error code:
Error using
Too many input arguments specified when using xlabel with heatmap.
If I don't write the string 'Interpreter','latex' leaving just
the code works but the label looks like in the figure:
Andrea Medaglia
Andrea Medaglia on 6 May 2021
I just tried, but nothing changes. I see the same things of the question.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 6 May 2021
If I recall correctly, you cannot set the Interpreter for heatmap objects.

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Accepted Answer

Benjamin Kraus
Benjamin Kraus on 20 Sep 2023
Starting in MATLAB R2023b, the HeatmapChart now has an Interpreter property.
h = heatmap(rand(30));
h.XLabel = '$M_{1}$';
h.YLabel = '$M_{2}$';
h.Interpreter = 'latex';

More Answers (1)

Scott MacKenzie
Scott MacKenzie on 6 May 2021
h = heatmap(M,M,Err);
h.XLabel = 'M{_1}';
h.YLabel = 'M{_2}';
Andrea Medaglia
Andrea Medaglia on 6 May 2021
Any suggestions to overcome these issues? Thanks for the answers, btw.
Scott MacKenzie
Scott MacKenzie on 6 May 2021
No really. It seems, as noted in a comment from Walter, that you can't set the Interpreter for heatmap objects.
You might consider re-stating your objective, perhaps in another question, without reference to latex.

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