Cannot delete Simscape block
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I accidentally added a 4-Speed CR-CR Simscape block on my model and now cannot delete it!
When I want to delete the block, I got the following message: Error evaluating 'PreDeleteFcn' callback of Disk Friction Clutch block (mask) 'CRS/AlgCrs/Subsystem/AlgCrs/Atomic Subsystem/4-Speed CR-CR1/Clutch R'.
I can comment out the Simscape block and continue working on the model but when I want to save my changes I get the following error message: Error evaluating 'PreSaveFcn' callback of Disk Friction Clutch block (mask) .... Callback string is 'simscape.compiler.sli.internal.callback('PreSaveFcn',gcbh);'
Any ideas?
Answers (1)
Aghamarsh Varanasi
on 25 May 2021
You can refer to the 'PreDeleteFcn' and 'PreSaveFcn' callbacks in the "Block Callbacks" for the '4-Speed CR-CR' block. There seems to be some issue in these callbacks. The callbacks are executed before or after a modelling action takes place. If the callback function has an error the modelling action does not take place.
Hope this helps
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