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xlswrite without losing precision

1 view (last 30 days)
Susie on 23 Aug 2013
I have a cell array. When I use xlswrite to save them in an Excel file, it will lose precision at some decimal place. For example, if the cell is 191863214069, it will be 191860000000 in Excel.
What I want is to export data as exactly same as it is in Matlab. Anyone knows the solution?

Answers (1)

Anand on 24 Aug 2013
You should not be seeing that. I tried the following and the Excel cell shows me the full value:
>> x
x =
>> xlswrite(filename,x)
When I open the Excel file I see the value of x with full precision. Maybe you didn't store the value as a double. Check the class of the variable you are exporting.
>> class(x)
Susie on 26 Aug 2013
Thanks. Well, I can see 1.9186e+11, but the point is the original should be 191863214069. I tried to convert it to multiple classes, but none of them worked...
Anand on 27 Aug 2013
Look at the cell value in the top cell and you will the value in full precision.

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