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How to I solve a equation?

1 view (last 30 days)
Ron on 23 Sep 2013
I'm quite new to matlab and need to learn how to solve equations with matlab. I searched for help but I couldn't find much help or I didn't understand what was told to me.
For example I need to solve and equation:
I tryed FSOLVE, but didn't quite understand how it works.
My professor briefly mentioned something about using iteration method to solve the equation, but what He explained was quite complicated so I didn't understand much.

Accepted Answer

David Sanchez
David Sanchez on 23 Sep 2013
Take a look at the following links and try to do their examples:
  1 Comment
Ron on 25 Sep 2013
Thank you very much, the links you provided are very helpful!

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More Answers (1)

Matt J
Matt J on 23 Sep 2013
Edited: Matt J on 23 Sep 2013
fzero(@(x) 1-cos(x)-x, [-2*pi,2*pi] )

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