How to stop Histogram from covering Tick Marks

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Jon on 26 Sep 2013
Edited: Irfan Mulla on 16 May 2018
How do you stop a histogram from covering tick marks on a graph? It's rather bewildering that they get covered up.
Edit: I have found one solution is to plot the tick marks pointing outward.
figure1 = figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
axes1 = axes('Parent',figure1,'YMinorTick','on','YGrid','on',...
The important part there is 'TickDir','out' I would still like to know how to plot marks over a histogram for future reference.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 26 Sep 2013
What is your code for plotting the histogram? Did you use bar() or plot()? Show the exact line of code.
Jon on 26 Sep 2013
Edited: Jon on 26 Sep 2013
The only two ways to make a 1d histogram, that I know of, are bar and hist. They both cover up tick marks.
figure1 = figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]); axes1 = axes('Parent',figure1,'YMinorTick','on','YGrid','on',... 'XMinorTick','on','XGrid','on');
bar or hist

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Answers (2)

Jing on 26 Sep 2013
I think you already got the point to show the tick marks for BAR or HIST. In the doc of Axes Properties, it states under TickDir, for 2-D views, the default is to direct tick marks inward from the axis lines. So you have to manually set the TickDir to 'out'.
And in your last sentence, what do you mean by 'plot marks over histogram'?
Jon on 26 Sep 2013
Edited: Jon on 26 Sep 2013
If you do not set the tick marks to point outward you cannot see them on a histogram... The histogram covers the tick marks. I would like to not point them outward and still have them visible. As in have them plotted on top not underneath the histogram.
Jon on 26 Sep 2013
I think for clarity and consistency I will just change every graph I do to have the tick marks on the outside.

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Irfan Mulla
Irfan Mulla on 16 May 2018
Edited: Irfan Mulla on 16 May 2018
set(gca, 'Layer','top'); set(gca,'TickDir','Out')

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