How to make classes form numerical data for deep learning training

1 view (last 30 days)
I want to make classes from my target data, the input and target data are numerical, I know that I can make 3 intervals but what should the format of the classes be ? In the matlab’s examples the classes are categorical format, should I make them also categorical in my case ? Thanks
Wabi Demeke
Wabi Demeke on 3 Aug 2021
Excatly! Follow common NN training procedures such as spliting your dataset into training and validation set to check your NN generlization capacity. You probably need to spend sometime in hyperparametric tuning to find NN model with good prediction performance. Goodluck.
Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins on 3 Aug 2021
Not sure what the question is here, but to make a categorical from numeric, discretize is the best way to do it.

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Answers (1)

Shivang Srivastava
Shivang Srivastava on 11 Aug 2021
As per my understanding you want to convert discreet / numerical data to intervals for Training Deep Learning Models.
I would recommend you check discretize function. It helps to group data into bins or categories.


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