Why am I unable to access a network drive when using the MDCS service in MATLAB Distributed Computing Server 4.1 (R2009a)?
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MathWorks Support Team
on 12 Aug 2009
I am trying to access a network drive with full UNC pathname through MATLAB Distributed Computing Server 4.1 (R2009a).
I submit my job with a user's credentials. The workers were originally started with admin credentials. I have modified the mdce_def.bat file on the workers and have added MDCEUSER and MDCEPASS for the user.
I submit the following task as part of my job:
taskObj = createTask(jobObj, @isdir, 1, {'\\UNCDirectoryName'});
I expect the result to be '1', indicating that the directory exists. However, I get '0' as the result. This is contrary because the user has full access to the particular network drive.
Accepted Answer
MathWorks Support Team
on 12 Aug 2009
A job submitted to the MATLAB Distributed Computing Server should respect the credentials of the user who submitted it. However, it is possible that the system account does not have access to the UNC share path from the worker nodes.
A possible resolution is to access the MATLAB Distributed Computing Server service on the workers by logging with user credentials, as follows:
1. In Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services, right click on MATLAB Distributed Computing Server.
2. Select Properties.
3. Select 'Log On' tab. Modify the entry under 'Log on as:' with user's credentials.
MATLAB Distributed Computing Server service on the worker should now be able to access the particular network drive.
More Answers (1)
on 9 Feb 2015
Is there somewhere in the documentation that deals with what to do when this suggestion doesn't work in R2013a?
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