Problem 834. Solve Quadratic : No * - or key functions permitted

Solve the quadratic equation ax^2+bx+c=0. However, some of the normal functions and symbols are not allowed.

x=[ -b +/- sqrt ( b^2 - 4ac ) ] / ( 2a )

Unallowed functions and symbols:

roots mtimes cross prod cumprod times mldivide mrdivide dot numstr int2str dec2bin * / \ - ^ '

Derivative of Aurelien's Cody 813 Multiply 2 numbers

Also related to Cody 833 Side of a Triangle

Test suite "disallowed function usage check" courtesy of Aurelien Queffurust.

Example :


a= 1; b= 1; c=1


 x(1)= -0.5+0.866i; x(2)= -0.5-0.866i

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23.84% Correct | 76.16% Incorrect
Last Solution submitted on Jun 21, 2024

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