Bernhard Suhm
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automated feature generation with matlab?
This sounds like a good use case for applying our new AutoML capabilities. Wavelet scattering generates features automatically f...
4 years ago | 0
I want to use Aspentech IP.21 data to hourly perform advanced calculations for losses in cooling. How to best do it?
You can try this Aspen Plus - MATLAB connector that someone posted on File Exchange, but isn't officially supported by MathWorks...
4 years ago | 0
Are GAMs supported by statistics toolbox?
With the recent R2021a release, support for GAM has been added to the Statistics and Machine Learning toolbox. See GAM for class...
4 years ago | 0
Classification learner - identify false prediction indexes
Unfortunately, that isn't supported directly in the Classification Learner. But you can export your trained model to the MATLAB ...
5 years ago | 0
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Principal Component for Shape Analysis.
Per documentation of pca, your "Mode" are " .. the representations of X in the principal component space. Rows of scorecvorrespo...
6 years ago | 0
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precision recall curve from Bag of Visual words classifier
You need to systematically vary the threshold (or related parameter) determining whether you accept or reject the detection. You...
6 years ago | 1
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Why identical outputs despite different inputs to a machine learning models
Of course it could predict the same category for different kinds of inputs, especially if there aren't a lot of categories... Or...
6 years ago | 0
Sequentialfs, the squential feature selection function of matlab
You determine which model it uses by how you define the function fun that calculates a criterion based on training and test data...
6 years ago | 0
Adding a machine learning algorithm
The Learner Apps are targeted at casual users, empowering them to train classification and regression models without writing cod...
6 years ago | 0
How to check after completing the Image Processing Machine Learning program.
Your code isn't complete - it references custom functions you (or your teacher) defined somewhere else such as trainImageCategor...
6 years ago | 0
Is it possible to combine two neural networks in MATLAB?
MATLAB has an AdditionLayer that allows you to combine outputs of two separate strands in your deep learning network. With R2018...
6 years ago | 3
How can I use the PCA function to find the principle components of a variable?
You'll get the loadings for your variables. But think about whether applying PCA this way to your data makes sense. We'll expect...
6 years ago | 0
Can someone tell me if there is an error in fitcdiscr function?
LDA fits normal distributions with the same covariance. QDA allows different covariances. Fitting normal distributions including...
6 years ago | 0
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Display bug with confusionchart for percentages summary
Many machine learning related charts will start to show some weird behavior if you try to visualize a lot of classes. If you are...
6 years ago | 0
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Long time to process - fit copula model
Sounds like you need to bring some parallelization to bear. If your computer had multiple cores, you could leverage them if you ...
6 years ago | 0
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question about determining the correct number of clusters (documentation)
You can use the silhouette plot or evalclusters function to evaluate the quality of your clustering. There's a little more info ...
6 years ago | 0
Help, how can get result of classification using SVM with csv files ?
Use csvread to read those files into an array or table, train (or "fit") an SVM model on the trainings set using fitcsvm, and th...
6 years ago | 0
question about k-means clustering metric choice
If you have any further questions, follow up. Otherwise, can you kindly "accept" Walter's answer?
6 years ago | 0
How can I use random forest classifier with an excel file?
Something like this: data = xlsread('filename'); mdl = fitcensemble(data,'class');
6 years ago | 0
How Can I Configure "the Trial License" for Cloud Use?
You can't cloud-enable a trial "license". You need to request a cloud-enabled trial, which is just become available at <https://...
6 years ago | 0
Feature Selection PCA in Haar for face recognition
Well, you could try whether PCA finds a linear mapping among the 16 Haar wavelets that expresses most of the variability in your...
6 years ago | 0
How to utilize GPU while the classifiers were running on the classification learner application?
<https://www.mathworks.com/help/stats/statistics-and-machine-learning-toolbox-functions-with-gpuarray-arguments.html This page> ...
6 years ago | 1
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How to use a KNN classifier from Matlab in c++
Little late, but with MATLAB Coder you can convert a prediction function for KNN to C/C++ code, and then use that with your othe...
6 years ago | 0
Is there any way to port the predict process of a machine learning model to C/C++ codes
Little late, but since 2017, with MATLAB Coder you can generate C/C++ code for your machine learning prediction function.
6 years ago | 0
Can I plot/apply more than two predictors using classification learner app?
It's for plotting only, a simple 2-dimensional scatter plot is available in the Classification Learner. You can train classifier...
6 years ago | 0
Clustering with big data
Maybe you are using the LINKAGE function incorrectly. You already has the pairwise distances, but for some reason the LINKAGE fu...
6 years ago | 0
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Finding Pattern in the data set
You are asking a very basic question, like "tell me how to apply data analytics", which is why the comment pointed you to the mo...
6 years ago | 0
Machine learning: Ensemble trees in a time series classification problem.
How are you encoding the time dependency in your predictors? If you add predictors that look back fixed number of elements in yo...
7 years ago | 0
not getting same accuracy as classifier app
The model trained inside the Learner app doesn't exactly match the exported model because the latter will be trained on the comp...
7 years ago | 1
Is there a way to parallelize the function hygepdf?
I am not an expert for the Parallel Computing toolbox, but if the calculation inside the for loop body is fairly simple (as it l...
7 years ago | 0