
Abraham Boayue

Last seen: 8 months ago Active since 2018

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Trying to get my runge-kutta to plot two graphs one of the original differential and one exact solution
So you meant to solve dT/dt = 0.25(75-T) with initial condition of T(0) = 0? If so, then the exaction solution is T(t) = 75-75e^...

3 years ago | 0

| accepted

How do I plot this graph?
% Here is another code that you may find useful. clear variables close all Cf = [0.0040,0.0028,0.0014]; Pi = [0.5,1.5,4]; ...

3 years ago | 0

Solve a partial differential equations using the explicit method
What about dU/dX(1,t)=0. I think this condition is messing in the code. No, it is not. Remember the last attachment I emailed ...

3 years ago | 0

Solve a partial differential equations using the explicit method
%% Cp2ex2nd % 1. Space steps beta = sqrt(0.03); % sqrt(0.003); sqrt(1/878); xa = 0; xb = 1; dx = 1/40; N = (xb-xa)/dx...

3 years ago | 0

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How do i solve non linear DE in matlab
%Here is the required ode45 code. clear variables close all xspan = [0 10]; y0 = 1; [t,y] = ode45(@(x,y)x.*y.^5+x.*cos(y)...

3 years ago | 1

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How to solve two differential equations using ode45.
Hi Ebraheem Is there anything specific that you want me to do for you?

4 years ago | 0

why step size is divided by 50?
HI SK, Let say you have a function f (t) and you want to plot it between t = Tmin and Tmax, in matlab, you have to choose a ...

6 years ago | 0

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how to solve an exponential equation with one unknown in matlab
Try the following code which uses Newton's method to find the root of the f(x) = 0. close all; clc; N = 50; ra = 9...

6 years ago | 0

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Help with Coding problem
Try this function [J] = funtc(x_t,c,theta,M,N,L) J = zeros(1,L); for t = 1:L xs = 0 ; xp = 0 ; ...

6 years ago | 0

how to plot fourier series in matlab
<</matlabcentral/answers/uploaded_files/121573/F-series.PNG>> Here is what your Fourirer series would like if my calculations...

6 years ago | 2

Question on heat equation 1D Forward in Time Centered in Space
Here is an updated version of the code. I also used matlab pdepe function to validate the results which seem to agree with one a...

6 years ago | 1

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How to plot discrete signals (delta equation)
Take a look at this code. It shows how to plot the sequences that you are given. n0 = 0; n1 = 1; n2 = -4; n = -5:5...

6 years ago | 2

using ODE45 to solve simultaneously independent ODE's vs. calling the function twice - different results...
Answers have been inserted into your codes (I just modified them a bit). function Plot_odes T = 10; N = 1000; ...

6 years ago | 0

Creating discrete-time model
Use this line of code to get a negative exponent. H = tf(P,Q,0.1,'variable','z^-1');

6 years ago | 0

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Solving System Algebraic and Differential Equation
Here is a code that may help you get started. function First_oder_ode % Verify that your equations are implemented c...

6 years ago | 0

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define a piecewise function whose parameters change on each segment
Check this link. It provides a vectorized method of implementing a piecewise function. <

6 years ago | 0

How to write a sigma calculation
In part two of the problem, you will have to use the definition of the DTFT to compute X(omega). The resultant function is just ...

6 years ago | 0

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How to plot the log to base 10 of absolute value of a function containing Sigma (Σ)
Try this code, it might help. clear all close all Nt = 100; Nx = 150; L = 2; a = .5; t = 0:4/(Nt-1):4; ...

6 years ago | 0

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How to plot function from m file with vectors
If x is a vector (1×N), then F must be a function of x, write F = x.^2 in this case. Else if x is a matrix (2×N) containing tw...

6 years ago | 0

Solve a system of Differential Equations with a piecewise function
Thanks for clearly formulating your problem;this is what drew my attention. It is very difficult to find a well stated problem a...

7 years ago | 2

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Problem with graph MATLAB
Your code seems to be right, but the for loop is really not suitable in this case. However, there is a slight variation in the r...

7 years ago | 1

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FFT implementation by myselft
It would be more efficient to use a vector form of the DFT for the coding in matlab. As an example, see below. Note that this m...

7 years ago | 1

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Trying to write an ODE solver using Backward Euler with Newton-Raphson method
Here are two methods that you can use to code Euler backward formula. %% Method 1 clear variables close all a ...

7 years ago | 0

Trying to write an ODE solver using Backward Euler with Newton-Raphson method
Alternatively, you can write a function. function [t,yb,h] = backwardEuler(a,b,N,M,y0,f,fx) h = (b-a)/N; t ...

7 years ago | 0

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How to solve non linear second order differential equation with split boundary conditions?
Which method are you using to solve this problem? Are you using ode45, Runge kutta, or some other method like the finite differe...

7 years ago | 0

Trying to write an ODE solver using Backward Euler with Newton-Raphson method
I would recommend you writing another function that does the differentiation separately. It would even be best if the function t...

7 years ago | 0

I am doing runge kutta order 4 for a system of equations.Any bugs that giving me x1 and x2 =0 for all 200 values?
See this link, it might be helpful. <>

7 years ago | 0

How to solve this?
function [t,x,y,N] = Runge4_2eqs(f1,f2,to,tfinal,xo,yo,h) N = ceil((tfinal-to)/h); x = zeros(1,N); ...

7 years ago | 0

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