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how to create 3 link robot using robotic toolbox
Try this: L1 = link([0 1 0 0],'standard') L2 = link([0 1 0 0],'standard') L3 = link([0 1 0 0],'standard') r = robo...
8 years ago | 0
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Using Boost Libraries with Mex function in MATLAB
Another solution might be to create your mex files directly from Visual Studio:
10 years ago | 0
Using matlabinit in Excel VBA
Check this: < Working with Spreadsheet and VBA> You just need to add...
10 years ago | 0
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storing arduino serial data to cell array
Have you taken a look at the Serial_Monitor? Might solve your issue
10 years ago | 1
Running a specific m-file/fig from excel
There are lots of options: You should look at MATLAB as a COM Automation Server. You should be able to start MATLAB from V...
11 years ago | 1
How can I communicate with an Arduino MegaADK using MATLAB R2007b?
If the above package doesn't work then: have you tried using a serial object. Typically arduino connected to the PC with USB ...
12 years ago | 0
You need to have a java SDK installed. If you already have a JAVA SDK installed, you should check the JAVA_HOME environment vari...
13 years ago | 0
bluetooth communication in matlab
bluetooth is supported in the Instrument Control Toolbox form R2011b. You can also try and connect it as a serial port (if the...
13 years ago | 0
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standalone executable opens with warning for missing directory paths
This is possible because the matlabrc file on the machine where the executable was compiled might have modified settings (or a c...
13 years ago | 0
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How to control/interface Windows media player with MATLAB?
You can take a look at the Windows Media Player Object Model here: <
13 years ago | 1
USB interfere to MATLAB
With MATLAB R2011b, using the Instrument Control Toolbox, you can directly interface with bluetooth devices [SPP profile] (like ...
13 years ago | 0
speech signal from Microphone USB
Try this: <>. If you want to record analog data from your soundcard...
13 years ago | 0
how to use SQLServer/JDBC from compiled Matlab code?
Try and use the javaaddpath command in the code to set up the javapath instead of classpath.txt
13 years ago | 0
Triggering with a DAQ board--how do I pull data out of startBackground and tell MATLAB to take a few more samples?
This may be of help! I proposed 3 different methods, chose whats best in your case: <
13 years ago | 0
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Calling an object's method that changes its property not doing what I want.
This would stem from the difference between Value classes and handle classes. Its explained here: <
13 years ago | 1
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Returning status of operation using mex
mex functions can return outputs: void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]); The n...
13 years ago | 0
how to set preference to arduino ide, what file exactly is it?
Dan, I would suggest using arduino-023 or arduino-022. Arduino-1.0 has significant changes as compared to the previous versions ...
13 years ago | 0
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how to set preference to arduino ide, what file exactly is it?
The release before arduino-1.0 was arduino-023 (and before that was arduino-022) Just set the arduino root folder (under whic...
13 years ago | 0
Analog Outputs stops (without reason) ?!
Looking at the documentation, it states that all the data must be queued using putdata before starting the analogoutput object. ...
13 years ago | 0
Analog Outputs stops (without reason) ?!
Can you post bit of the code? Also are you using the new Session based interface (R2011b) or the legacy interface ? Session B...
13 years ago | 0
Graphical Outputs HELP
Try doc uitable: simple example: a = magic(10); t = uitable('Data',[a(:,1) a(:,2)],'ColumnName',{'X','Y'},'RowName',...
13 years ago | 0
Standalone executable GUI calling Simulink
You would need to install the MCR on machines without MATLAB (MCR: Matlab Runtime) The MCR is avalable with the MATLAB Compi...
13 years ago | 0
DAQ output speed maximum
You should be able to increase the sample rate of your AO to reduce the steps. set(ao_Ref,'SampleRate',5000); The defaul...
13 years ago | 0
How to write several results in the same sheet of a Xls file ?
You can do this accurately, if you know the dimensions of the results. Otherwise, if you have good idea for maximum size of t...
13 years ago | 0
Convert C struct to matlab struct
Depends on the medium? How are you communicating with C in MATLAB? a) Are you using MEX files? In that case you could create...
13 years ago | 0
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Multiple channel Data Acquistion - NI USB-6251 & BNC-2090
Greg from your code, it seems that: ai = analoginput ('nidaq','Dev1'); chan = addchannel (ai,0:1); %Set DAQ Parameters (p...
13 years ago | 2
function defintion
You cannot define MATLAB functions in the middle of a script. function myscript clear; Rd=load('A1.txt') plot(Rd); ...
13 years ago | 0
peekdata - really latest samples? - buffer?
I believe the theory is correct. You might be able to control this using the BufferingConfig and BufferingMode properties. <h...
13 years ago | 0
Function to display variables in MATLAB figures
Where do you want to insert this in the plot? You can insert this as a point on the existing graph using: hold on; plot(...
13 years ago | 0
Fast Image Thresholding-will a mex file improve speed?
You can also use manual trigger mode on your videoinput object to reduce the overhead associated with getsnapshot. Check the ...
13 years ago | 0