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Output of an LTI System through both Fourier transform and Convolution
Hi, add zero padding to the signal before converting to frequency domain because it should match the length of convolution sign...

2 years ago | 0

unable to match the vector length for left and right side for the e(k) value
Hi, In this code, tr using a cell when assigning an array and extract the values individually when plotting So here are some c...

2 years ago | 0

| accepted

convert ppg signal into visible graph
Hi, use this code to plot the values on graph load('all_subjects (1).mat'); for i = 1:219 %change the range depe...

2 years ago | 1

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How to write a program which gives output in form of table for students grade and each time i run the program the marks for each student should change randomly?
Hi, Please refer to writetable function example LastName = {'Smith';'Johnson';'Williams';'Jones';'Brown'}; Age = [38;43;3...

2 years ago | 0

How to minimize the length of my script using loops
Hi, clc;clear;close all; % known variables frequency = [100,1e3,10e3,100e3]./1e3; %to calculate dielectric constant eps_0...

2 years ago | 1

How using a loop to add up the same numbers in a matrix and store the numbers in a new matrix
Hi, Here the code is shown such that the values stored are non repeatednon-repeated and addition of repeated values together ...

2 years ago | 0

Plot time continous singal by using a sum of time invariant signals
Hi, Replace the “symsum” function with “for” loop and plot the signal f_s = 2; Ts = 1/f_s; t = -5:Ts:5; % chan...

2 years ago | 0

Create an LTI system from .wav file
Hi, To pass a signal through a LTI system is done through convolution of transfer function and input signal [data,Fs] = audior...

2 years ago | 0

Filter Design using FIR method question
Hi, use fir1 function to get the coefficients and use freqz for frequency response or use filter function to filter the signal ...

2 years ago | 0

Downsampling a selection of images before converting them to video
Hi, try using "imresize" function in the "for" loop for i=1:numel(imagelist) img=imread(imagelist{i}); img = imresiz...

2 years ago | 0

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Convert .WAV to MP3 in the absent of Waveread function
Hi, Try using the following link use the funct...

2 years ago | 0

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I am stucked while plotting time discrete for the inverse z transfer.
Hi, By applying partial fraction to the z transform it gives inverser transform gives , expandi this equation by changing t...

2 years ago | 0

Matlab Sound Output Signal Different than input waveform when viewed with -Scope
Hi, Try to save the data using "audiowrite" and then play without using sound function i.e., directly on the system and then ob...

2 years ago | 0

How to filter high frequencies from recorded data?
Hi, To remove high frequency noise, pass the signal through low pass filter. Low pass filter can be of averaging filter, butte...

2 years ago | 0

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plotting Fourier series periodic signal ?
Hi, For plotting x(t) use stem function T1 = 2; T0 = 8; x1 = ones(1,2*T1); % 1 i.e., 0<t<T1 x2 = -1*ones(1,T0/2-T1);...

2 years ago | 0

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Resolution and Sampling frequency
Hi, To obtain the desired results use sound function with different parameters >>sound(y,Fs,nBits) % y – input signal,...

2 years ago | 0

Matlab Sound Output Signal Different than input waveform when viewed with -Scope
Hi, Try using different sampling frequency that is suitable to the given signal, try to maintain the sampling frequency more ...

2 years ago | 0

Need help using fft to create a real spectre
Hi, FFT for any signal has real and imaginary party, if input signal is even then fft is real and for odd signal fft is imag...

2 years ago | 0

How can export files form DICOM Browser?
Hi, Select Export Volume >> Export series to workspace Then the save the file using dicomwrite or select individual image an...

2 years ago | 0

make objects the same class as those around them
Hi, Objects of blue colour surrounded by the objects of orange are to be classified into orange objects Classifying the objec...

2 years ago | 0

view all slides of the DICOM file in a single image
Hi, To view all images in a single figure window use Here is an example to view the image >>[X,map] = dicomread("US-PAL-...

2 years ago | 0

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how Can I fit the multiple data sets by using the curve Fitting Tool in MATLAB?
Hi, Use the below example to fit a curve >>load hahn1 %Create a fit using the fit function, % specifying the variables an...

2 years ago | 0

What the difference between plotting the function f(z) (where its coefficients change with time) and plot of its zeros which evolves with time t
Hi, The value of z is a complex value, so provide x and y values in z accordingly and provide the variable to function >...

2 years ago | 0

convolving 1D filter in 1D signal
Hi, For 1D convolution the two signals should be vector form while doing convolution. If e is 1D then use Conv function . If ...

2 years ago | 0

How can I plot the contour of the imaginary unit of this function phiz?
Hi, Imaginary term generally indicates the axis of a graph, (2,3) can be written as 2+3i is some applications and magnitude g...

2 years ago | 0

How can I resample data to a fixed time grid?
Hi, I understood that if a given input data of any length should be adjusted to length of time that provided, irrespective of s...

2 years ago | 0

Hanning window on Imported data
Hi, To pass a filter over signal we can use "filter" function with appropriate coefficients >>w = hann(64); % we can use desi...

2 years ago | 0

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How to find the peaks of a PPG signal?
Hi, To find peaks of any signal initially it needs to be filtered through low pass in order to clear the local peaks >>windowS...

2 years ago | 1

i cant use interpolation in matlab
Hi, 'interp3' expects the x,y,z,v inputs in meshgrid ordering >> Vq3 = interp3(y,x,z,v,Yq,Xq,Zq); % meshgrid order for X, Y,...

2 years ago | 0

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given a speech signal(.wav) file, we are required to plot cosine waves over it like cos(k1*x),cos(k2*x).I tried using dct function but to unable to proceedd
Hi, By multiplying the cosine signal over the sound signal we can get the required signal Use the following code to g...

2 years ago | 0